Archipielágo de Colón (Galápagos) UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve

Archipielágo de Colón (Galápagos), Ecuador

Global irreplaceability

Overall 24.39 14.5
Threatened species 11.02 5.5
Amphibians 0 148703.5
Threatened amphibians 0 94182.5
Birds 20.39 1.5
Threatened birds 7.02 1.5
Mammals 4 26.5
Threatened mammals 4 5.5


Bird species for which Archipielágo de Colón (Galápagos) UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Buteo galapagoensis Galapagos Hawk ACCIPITRIDAE FALCONIFORMES VU stable 5640 100.0 1/4
Mimus trifasciatus Floreana Mockingbird MIMIDAE PASSERIFORMES CR stable 1.65 100.0 1/4
Mimus macdonaldi Espanola Mockingbird MIMIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU unknown 67 100.0 1/4
Geospiza difficilis Sharp-beaked Ground-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 1228 100.0 1/4
Geospiza conirostris Large Cactus-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 92 100.0 1/4
Camarhynchus pauper Medium Tree-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES CR decreasing 23 100.0 1/3
Camarhynchus heliobates Mangrove Finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES CR stable 12 100.0 1/4
Larus fuliginosus Lava Gull LARIDAE CHARADRIIFORMES VU increasing 2591 97.7 1/4
Geospiza magnirostris Large Ground-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7420 97.7 1/4
Camarhynchus psittacula Large Tree-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7083 97.6 1/4
Mimus parvulus Galapagos Mockingbird MIMIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 6937 97.5 1/4
Platyspiza crassirostris Vegetarian Finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7065 97.5 1/4
Zenaida galapagoensis Galapagos Dove COLUMBIDAE COLUMBIFORMES LC stable 8331 96.6 1/4
Geospiza fuliginosa Small Ground-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 8302 96.6 1/4
Myiarchus magnirostris Large-billed Flycatcher TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 7776 96.4 1/4
Certhidea olivacea Warbler Finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7801 96.4 1/4
Progne modesta Galapagos Martin HIRUNDINIDAE PASSERIFORMES EN decreasing 7771 96.4 1/4
Camarhynchus parvulus Small Tree-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7506 96.3 1/4
Geospiza scandens Common Cactus-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7103 96.1 1/4
Camarhynchus pallidus Woodpecker Finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 7355 96.1 1/4
Sula nebouxii Blue-footed Booby SULIDAE PELECANIFORMES LC stable 244574 31.5 1/8
Sula granti Nazca Booby SULIDAE PELECANIFORMES LC decreasing 1130000 12.5 1/3
Oceanites gracilis White-vented Storm-petrel HYDROBATIDAE PROCELLARIIFORMES DD stable 1760000 7.8 1/3
Phoebastria irrorata Waved Albatross DIOMEDEIDAE PROCELLARIIFORMES CR decreasing 1750000 6.6 1/3

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Archipielágo de Colón (Galápagos) UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Nesoryzomys fernandinae Fernandina Galapagos Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA VU unknown 637 100.0 1/4
Nesoryzomys swarthi Santiago Galapagos Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA VU unknown 574 100.0 1/4
Aegialomys galapagoensis Galapagos Rice Rat CRICETIDAE RODENTIA VU unknown 23 100.0 1/4
Nesoryzomys narboroughi NA CRICETIDAE RODENTIA VU decreasing 637 100.0 1/4
Vertex foot

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