Braulio Carrillo National Park

Braulio Carrillo, Costa Rica

Global irreplaceability

Overall 3.12 193.0
Threatened species 1.42 218.0
Amphibians 2.71 119.0
Threatened amphibians 1.4 124.0
Birds 0.2 407.0
Threatened birds 0.01 681.0
Mammals 0.22 448.0
Threatened mammals 0.01 1235.0


Amphibian species for which Braulio Carrillo National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Nototriton richardi NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA NT stable 241 58.2 1/2
Crepidophryne chompipe NA BUFONIDAE ANURA VU stable 118 43.9 2/2
Incilius holdridgei Holdridge's Toad BUFONIDAE ANURA CR unknown 228 31.8 1/2
Oedipina poelzi NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 477 28.7 1/4
Isthmohyla xanthosticta NA HYLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 20 22.3 2/2
Nototriton abscondens NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA LC stable 903 20.6 1/4
Bolitoglossa subpalmata NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 1649 15.9 1/12
Isthmohyla angustilineata NA HYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 912 14.2 1/8
Ecnomiohyla fimbrimembra NA HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1040 13.1 1/9
Pristimantis moro NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC unknown 980 9.2 1/4
Isthmohyla zeteki NA HYLIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 1475 9.0 1/8
Isthmohyla pictipes NA HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2848 7.1 4/13
Bolitoglossa robusta NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA LC decreasing 5974 7.1 5/15
Isthmohyla tica NA HYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 5967 6.8 2/14
Isthmohyla rivularis NA HYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 6940 5.8 2/13
Craugastor persimilis NA CRAUGASTORIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 4045 5.6 1/7
Oedipina uniformis NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA NT decreasing 6706 5.4 2/9

Mammal species for which Braulio Carrillo National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Reithrodontomys rodriguezi Rodriguez's Harvest Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 1720 20.7 2/3
Bassaricyon lasius Harris's Olingo PROCYONIDAE CARNIVORA DD decreasing 3818 12.2 2/4
Vertex foot

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