Wayanad Sanctuary

Wayanad, India

Global irreplaceability

Overall 2.25 271.0
Threatened species 2.01 156.0
Amphibians 1.99 186.0
Threatened amphibians 1.77 103.0
Birds 0.03 1730.0
Threatened birds 0.01 896.0
Mammals 0.24 425.0
Threatened mammals 0.24 227.0


Amphibian species for which Wayanad Sanctuary is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Rhacophorus lateralis Small Tree Frog RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 343 43.0 1/2
Fejervarya nilagirica NA DICROGLOSSIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1070 34.1 1/3
Microhyla sholigari NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 418 32.5 1/2
Nyctibatrachus minor NA NYCTIBATRACHIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 402 27.0 2/5
Raorchestes anili NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA LC stable 73 24.6 1/1
Pseudophilautus wynaadensis NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1011 19.6 3/5
Indirana brachytarsus NA RANIXALIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2853 13.0 2/5
Raorchestes nerostagona NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 426 11.8 1/1
Nyctibatrachus aliciae NA NYCTIBATRACHIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2091 9.3 3/7
Fejervarya brevipalmata Short-webbed Frog DICROGLOSSIDAE ANURA DD unknown 1668 7.0 1/3
Ramanella triangularis NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 6275 6.9 3/9
Ghatixalus variabilis NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA EN stable 1399 6.4 2/2
Ghatophryne rubigina Kerala Stream Toad BUFONIDAE ANURA VU stable 1895 5.1 1/1

Mammal species for which Wayanad Sanctuary is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Mus famulus Bonhote's Mouse MURIDAE RODENTIA EN decreasing 1554 25.5 1/5
Martes gwatkinsii Nilgiri Marten MUSTELIDAE CARNIVORA VU decreasing 7855 5.1 5/17
Vertex foot

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