Hawaii Volcanoes National Park World Heritage Site

Parc national des volcans d'Hawaï, United States

Global irreplaceability

Overall 0.34 993.0
Threatened species 0.32 579.0
Amphibians 0 148703.5
Threatened amphibians 0 94182.5
Birds 0.34 277.0
Threatened birds 0.32 136.0
Mammals 0 48065.0
Threatened mammals 0 108067.5


Bird species for which Hawaii Volcanoes National Park World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Branta sandvicensis Hawaiian Goose ANATIDAE ANSERIFORMES VU increasing 1904 27.0 2/4
Psittirostra psittacea Ou FRINGILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES CR unknown 181 13.3 2/5
Myadestes obscurus Omao TURDIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU unknown 2578 9.2 2/6
Chasiempis sandwichensis Hawaii Elepaio MONARCHIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 5857 8.7 2/5
Vestiaria coccinea Iiwi FRINGILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 16025 5.2 2/2
Himatione sanguinea Apapane FRINGILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 16509 5.0 2/2

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

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