Volcan Barú National Park

Volcan Barú, Panama

Global irreplaceability

Overall 1.84 365.0
Threatened species 1.5 213.0
Amphibians 1.63 231.0
Threatened amphibians 1.47 118.0
Birds 0.14 534.0
Threatened birds 0 4061.0
Mammals 0.07 801.0
Threatened mammals 0.03 480.0


Amphibian species for which Volcan Barú National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Bolitoglossa magnifica Magnificent Web-footed Salamander PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 79 65.1 1/1
Craugastor rhyacobatrachus NA CRAUGASTORIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 363 27.3 1/4
Bolitoglossa marmorea NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 657 21.7 2/5
Craugastor monnichorum NA CRAUGASTORIDAE ANURA DD unknown 137 20.2 2/4
Craugastor catalinae NA CRAUGASTORIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 1276 12.3 4/5
Lithobates vibicarius Green-eyed Frog RANIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 1065 11.6 4/6
Atelopus chiriquiensis NA BUFONIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 1583 9.9 4/5
Isthmohyla calypsa NA HYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 292 9.3 4/4
Bolitoglossa compacta NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 521 6.8 5/5
Dermophis gracilior NA CAECILIIDAE GYMNOPHIONA DD unknown 2188 6.1 1/3
Bolitoglossa minutula NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 1505 5.4 7/8

Mammal species for which Volcan Barú National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Cryptotis endersi Enders' S Small-eared Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA EN unknown 948 9.8 5/6
Vertex foot

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