Manu National Park

Manu, Peru

Global irreplaceability

Overall 6.11 76.0
Threatened species 0.47 521.0
Amphibians 2 184.0
Threatened amphibians 0.26 351.0
Birds 1.18 100.0
Threatened birds 0.12 206.0
Mammals 2.93 44.0
Threatened mammals 0.09 318.0


Amphibian species for which Manu National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Bryophryne hanssaueri NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC stable 29 47.4 1/2
Oreobates lehri NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC unknown 10623 25.9 1/5
Bryophryne cophites NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA EN unknown 268 23.3 1/2
Ameerega simulans Rana Venenosa DENDROBATIDAE ANURA LC stable 20725 23.1 2/5
Noblella pygmaea NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC stable 38 20.9 1/2
Psychrophrynella usurpator NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2494 17.0 2/3
Epicrionops bicolor NA RHINATREMATIDAE GYMNOPHIONA LC unknown 56153 15.0 2/7
Rhinella inca NA BUFONIDAE ANURA LC stable 44586 14.2 2/4
Ameerega macero Manu Poison Frog DENDROBATIDAE ANURA LC stable 66934 14.0 3/6
Pristimantis mendax NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC stable 131152 12.9 2/8
Ranitomeya biolat Rana Venenosa DENDROBATIDAE ANURA LC stable 115448 10.5 3/10
Gastrotheca excubitor NA HEMIPHRACTIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 12628 10.5 2/3
Oscaecilia bassleri NA CAECILIIDAE GYMNOPHIONA LC unknown 127295 9.9 2/5
Pristimantis buccinator NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC unknown 53578 9.8 3/7
Hemiphractus helioi NA HEMIPHRACTIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 159159 8.0 2/8
Osteocephalus pearsoni NA HYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 103300 7.5 3/21
Hyloscirtus armatus NA HYLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 52384 6.8 1/15
Gastrotheca ochoai NA HEMIPHRACTIDAE ANURA DD unknown 5288 6.7 1/3
Pristimantis skydmainos NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC stable 206486 6.7 3/12
Rulyrana spiculata NA CENTROLENIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 17068 6.2 2/3
Nymphargus ocellatus NA CENTROLENIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 19199 6.1 1/3
Scinax ictericus NA HYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 73607 6.0 3/8
Pristimantis toftae NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 209202 5.9 2/11
Leptodactylus didymus NA LEPTODACTYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 129707 5.3 5/10
Rhinella poeppigii NA BUFONIDAE ANURA LC stable 323280 5.0 2/16

Bird species for which Manu National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Formicarius rufifrons Rufous-fronted Antthrush FORMICARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 11730 25.0 1/5
Picumnus subtilis Fine-barred Piculet PICIDAE PICIFORMES LC stable 39213 17.6 2/6
Tinamus osgoodi Black Tinamou TINAMIDAE TINAMIFORMES VU decreasing 29347 14.8 2/13
Atlapetes canigenis Grey Brush-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 35228 9.0 2/8
Schistocichla brunneiceps Brownish-headed Antbird THAMNOPHILIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 54331 9.0 4/9
Nannopsittaca dachilleae Amazonian Parrotlet PSITTACIDAE PSITTACIFORMES NT decreasing 133890 8.8 2/9
Percnostola lophotes White-lined Antbird THAMNOPHILIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 172742 8.3 3/10
Grallaria erythroleuca Red-and-white Antpitta FORMICARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 32694 7.0 2/6
Atlapetes melanolaemus Black-faced Brush-finch EMBERIZIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 40359 6.9 4/7
Eubucco tucinkae Scarlet-hooded Barbet RAMPHASTIDAE PICIFORMES LC stable 177647 5.8 4/13
Pseudotriccus simplex Hazel-fronted Pygmy-tyrant TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 68986 5.8 5/11
Heliodoxa branickii Rufous-webbed Brilliant TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES LC decreasing 126781 5.7 3/9
Phaethornis koepckeae Koepcke's Hermit TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES NT decreasing 112547 5.4 3/10
Myiophobus inornatus Unadorned Flycatcher TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 63283 5.3 3/11
Zimmerius cinereicapilla Red-billed Tyrannulet TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 31615 5.2 2/5
Cranioleuca marcapatae Marcapata Spinetail FURNARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 29470 5.2 3/7

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Manu National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Monodelphis ronaldi Ronald's Opossum DIDELPHIDAE DIDELPHIMORPHIA LC stable 575 96.2 1/2
Isothrix barbarabrownae Barbara Brown's Brush-tailed Rat ECHIMYIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 314 42.8 1/2
Marmosa andersoni Anderson's Mouse Opossum DIDELPHIDAE DIDELPHIMORPHIA DD unknown 15829 40.5 1/5
Sciurus sanborni Sanborn's Squirrel SCIURIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 48842 23.1 2/5
Neusticomys peruviensis Peruvian Fish-eating Rat CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 14429 16.3 3/4
Dasyprocta kalinowskii Kalinowski Agouti DASYPROCTIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 67071 14.4 2/6
Sturnira nana Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat PHYLLOSTOMIDAE CHIROPTERA EN unknown 134163 12.0 2/10
Neacomys musseri NA CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 140338 11.9 3/11
Mazama chunyi Peruvian Dwarf Brocket CERVIDAE CETARTIODACTYLA VU decreasing 153624 11.0 2/14
Thomasomys gracilis Slender Oldfield Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA NT decreasing 35600 10.4 2/7
Rhipidomys gardneri NA CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 152160 10.0 3/11
Caluromysiops irrupta Black-shouldered Opossum DIDELPHIDAE DIDELPHIMORPHIA LC decreasing 182311 9.3 2/10
Platyrrhinus masu NA PHYLLOSTOMIDAE CHIROPTERA LC unknown 172399 8.8 2/15
Lestoros inca Incan Shrew Opossum CAENOLESTIDAE PAUCITUBERCULATA LC unknown 62782 7.9 2/10
Akodon torques Cloud Forest Grass Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 66655 7.6 2/7
Oecomys phaeotis Dusky Arboreal Rice Rat CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 117456 7.1 2/9
Thomasomys daphne Daphne's Oldfield Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 109391 6.1 2/11
Thomasomys notatus Distinguished Oldfield Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC decreasing 57802 6.0 2/5
Vertex foot

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