Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park

Blue and John Crow Mountains, Jamaica

Global irreplaceability

Overall 6.84 60.0
Threatened species 5.8 29.0
Amphibians 5.19 51.0
Threatened amphibians 4.43 22.0
Birds 1.52 82.0
Threatened birds 1.25 39.0
Mammals 0.13 561.0
Threatened mammals 0.12 280.0


Amphibian species for which Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Eleutherodactylus alticola Jamaican Peak Frog ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA CR unknown 52 96.7 2/2
Eleutherodactylus nubicola NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 181 65.9 1/4
Eleutherodactylus andrewsi Jamaican Rumpspot Frog ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 518 62.3 2/2
Eleutherodactylus orcutti NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 284 52.7 1/2
Eleutherodactylus glaucoreius NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 722 48.5 1/2
Eleutherodactylus pentasyringos NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 617 47.7 1/2
Eleutherodactylus jamaicensis NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 3755 11.3 1/5
Osteopilus wilderi Green Bromeliad Frog HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 4476 5.9 1/5
Osteopilus ocellatus Jamaican Laughing Frog HYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 8602 5.8 1/3
Eleutherodactylus gossei NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 8529 5.8 1/3

Bird species for which Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Pterodroma caribbaea Jamaica Petrel PROCELLARIIDAE PROCELLARIIFORMES CR unknown 0.98 100.0 1/2
Nesopsar nigerrimus Jamaican Blackbird ICTERIDAE PASSERIFORMES EN decreasing 1728 26.8 1/3
Trochilus scitulus Black-billed Streamertail TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES LC unknown 797 20.9 1/2
Amazona collaria Yellow-billed Amazon PSITTACIDAE PSITTACIFORMES VU decreasing 5429 8.8 1/4
Patagioenas caribaea Ring-tailed Pigeon COLUMBIDAE COLUMBIFORMES VU decreasing 7106 7.0 1/3

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Geocapromys brownii Jamaican Hutia CAPROMYIDAE RODENTIA VU decreasing 988 19.5 4/7
Vertex foot

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