Cockpit Country Forest Reserve

Cockpit Country, Jamaica

Global irreplaceability

Overall 2.04 307.0
Threatened species 1.96 171.0
Amphibians 1.84 208.0
Threatened amphibians 1.82 102.0
Birds 0.14 525.0
Threatened birds 0.08 244.0
Mammals 0.07 812.0
Threatened mammals 0.06 362.0


Amphibian species for which Cockpit Country Forest Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Eleutherodactylus sisyphodemus NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 36 94.8 1/1
Eleutherodactylus griphus NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 164 44.7 1/3
Eleutherodactylus luteolus NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1507 12.8 1/2
Osteopilus marianae Yellow Bromeliad Frog HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1863 11.9 1/3
Eleutherodactylus grabhami NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2117 8.2 1/2
Osteopilus crucialis Jamaican Snoring Frog HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2870 7.4 1/1
Eleutherodactylus fuscus NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA CR unknown 378 6.4 1/2
Eleutherodactylus jamaicensis NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 3755 5.7 3/5
Eleutherodactylus pantoni NA ELEUTHERODACTYLIDAE ANURA NT unknown 4214 5.1 1/6

Bird species for which Cockpit Country Forest Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Nesopsar nigerrimus Jamaican Blackbird ICTERIDAE PASSERIFORMES EN decreasing 1728 12.3 3/3
Amazona agilis Black-billed Amazon PSITTACIDAE PSITTACIFORMES VU decreasing 2595 8.4 1/5

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Cockpit Country Forest Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Geocapromys brownii Jamaican Hutia CAPROMYIDAE RODENTIA VU decreasing 988 14.1 5/7
Vertex foot

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