Global irreplaceability

Overall 0.39 964.0
Threatened species 0.2 660.0
Amphibians 0.08 929.0
Threatened amphibians 0.05 560.0
Birds 0.06 983.0
Threatened birds 0 1545.0
Mammals 0.25 423.0
Threatened mammals 0.15 263.0


Amphibian species for which Harena-Kokosa National Forest Priority Area is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Altiphrynoides osgoodi NA BUFONIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 12473 8.6 5/10
Afrixalus enseticola Ethiopian Banana Frog HYPEROLIIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 19974 7.7 2/14
Paracassina kounhiensis NA HYPEROLIIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 38914 5.0 3/10

Mammal species for which Harena-Kokosa National Forest Priority Area is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Chlorocebus djamdjamensis Bale Monkey CERCOPITHECIDAE PRIMATES VU decreasing 9145 15.2 2/9
Lophuromys melanonyx Black-clawed Brush-furred Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA VU unknown 6011 15.1 5/8
Arvicanthis blicki Blick's Grass Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA NT unknown 17894 12.2 3/9
Tachyoryctes macrocephalus Giant Mole Rat SPALACIDAE RODENTIA EN decreasing 3896 6.1 6/7
Stenocephalemys albocaudata Ethiopian Narrow-headed Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 12140 5.3 6/10
Vertex foot

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