Okinawa Kaigan Quasi National Park

Okinawa Kaigan, Japan

Global irreplaceability

Overall 1.31 474.0
Threatened species 1.11 273.0
Amphibians 0.7 482.0
Threatened amphibians 0.59 266.0
Birds 0.36 271.0
Threatened birds 0.31 138.0
Mammals 0.25 420.0
Threatened mammals 0.21 236.0


Amphibian species for which Okinawa Kaigan Quasi National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Babina holsti Holst's Frog RANIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 618 29.3 1/2
Odorrana narina Ryukyu Tip-nosed Frog RANIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 312 23.8 1/1
Cynops ensicauda Sword-tailed Newt SALAMANDRIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 2040 14.3 1/3
Odorrana ishikawae Ishikawa's Frog RANIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 1232 13.4 1/2
Echinotriton andersoni Anderson's Crocodile Newt SALAMANDRIDAE CAUDATA EN decreasing 2285 12.8 1/3
Rhacophorus viridis NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA LC stable 2329 12.6 1/3
Hyla hallowellii NA HYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 1944 11.9 1/2
Microhyla okinavensis NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 3217 9.1 1/4
Babina okinavana Ryukyu Brown Frog RANIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 2195 7.5 1/3
Limnonectes namiyei NA DICROGLOSSIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 141 7.2 1/1

Bird species for which Okinawa Kaigan Quasi National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Gallirallus okinawae Okinawa Rail RALLIDAE GRUIFORMES EN decreasing 594 29.8 1/1
Scolopax mira Ryukyu Woodcock SCOLOPACIDAE CHARADRIIFORMES VU stable 2284 12.8 1/3
Otus elegans Elegant Scops-owl STRIGIDAE STRIGIFORMES NT decreasing 3978 7.6 1/5
Erithacus komadori Ryukyu Robin MUSCICAPIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 5288 5.7 1/7

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Okinawa Kaigan Quasi National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Tokudaia muenninki Okinawa Spiny Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA CR decreasing 227 23.5 1/1
Crocidura watasei Lesser Ryukyu Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC stable 2461 11.9 1/3
Miniopterus fuscus Southeast Asian Long-fingered Bat VESPERTILIONIDAE CHIROPTERA EN decreasing 2828 10.3 1/4
Murina ryukyuana Ryukyu Tube-nosed Bat VESPERTILIONIDAE CHIROPTERA EN decreasing 1085 6.8 2/2
Diplothrix legata Ryukyus Islands Tree Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA EN decreasing 1200 6.1 2/2
Vertex foot

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