Altamachi Park

Altamachi, Bolivia

Global irreplaceability

Overall 2.09 299.0
Threatened species 0.13 742.0
Amphibians 1.39 260.0
Threatened amphibians 0.06 516.0
Birds 0.54 210.0
Threatened birds 0.07 253.0
Mammals 0.15 523.0
Threatened mammals 0.01 1050.0


Amphibian species for which Altamachi Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Psychrophrynella harveyi NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA DD unknown 12 100.0 1/1
Pristimantis mercedesae NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA DD unknown 20424 19.1 1/5
Rhinella stanlaii NA BUFONIDAE ANURA LC stable 25619 16.0 2/7
Allobates mcdiarmidi NA AROMOBATIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 32642 11.0 1/7
Pristimantis olivaceus NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA DD unknown 9832 10.9 4/7
Atelopus tricolor Three-coloured Harlequin Toad BUFONIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 39616 9.5 2/11
Rhinella justinianoi NA BUFONIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 11637 7.3 2/5
Rhinella fissipes Carabaya Toad BUFONIDAE ANURA LC stable 59645 6.9 2/12
Hyloscirtus armatus NA HYLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 52384 6.5 3/15
Rhinella quechua NA BUFONIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 11191 5.7 3/5

Bird species for which Altamachi Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Terenura sharpei Yellow-rumped Antwren THAMNOPHILIDAE PASSERIFORMES EN decreasing 2267 9.6 1/1
Grallaria erythrotis Rufous-faced Antpitta FORMICARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 39088 8.9 2/9
Lipaugus uropygialis Scimitar-winged Piha COTINGIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 13671 8.7 2/10
Megascops marshalli Cloud-forest Screech-owl STRIGIDAE STRIGIFORMES NT stable 24727 7.8 1/7
Andigena cucullata Hooded Mountain-toucan RAMPHASTIDAE PICIFORMES LC stable 48713 7.2 1/7
Thamnophilus aroyae Upland Antshrike THAMNOPHILIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 62450 6.6 3/12
Hapalopsittaca melanotis Black-winged Parrot PSITTACIDAE PSITTACIFORMES LC stable 37878 6.5 3/8
Myiophobus inornatus Unadorned Flycatcher TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 63283 6.5 1/11
Pseudotriccus simplex Hazel-fronted Pygmy-tyrant TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 68986 5.9 3/11
Cranioleuca albiceps Light-crowned Spinetail FURNARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 42266 5.4 4/8
Chiroxiphia boliviana Yungas Manakin PIPRIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 78967 5.2 4/12
Picumnus dorbignyanus Ocellated Piculet PICIDAE PICIFORMES LC stable 80808 5.0 2/7

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Altamachi Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Oxymycterus hiska Small Hocicudo CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 34301 8.9 2/7
Akodon siberiae Cochabamba Grass Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA NT decreasing 32141 8.4 4/25
Calomys boliviae Bolivian Vesper Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 72104 5.7 2/6
Vertex foot

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