Zahamena Ankeniheny Not Reported

Zahamena Ankeniheny, Madagascar

Global irreplaceability

Overall 6.34 72.0
Threatened species 1.75 188.0
Amphibians 4.78 60.0
Threatened amphibians 1.25 134.0
Birds 0.46 226.5
Threatened birds 0.17 177.0
Mammals 1.09 146.0
Threatened mammals 0.33 209.0


Amphibian species for which Zahamena Ankeniheny Not Reported is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Mantella crocea Yellow Mantella MANTELLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 234 47.1 1/1
Dyscophus guineti NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 6095 36.6 1/4
Blommersia sarotra NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 6080 36.1 1/3
Boophis solomaso NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 712 34.7 1/2
Mantella milotympanum Black-eared Mantella MANTELLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 51 29.9 1/1
Boophis hillenii NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 11741 29.3 1/2
Boophis sibilans NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 623 23.6 1/1
Mantidactylus zolitschka NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 279 23.4 1/3
Boophis liami NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 1060 23.3 1/2
Mantella pulchra Beautiful Mantella MANTELLIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 16162 22.2 1/6
Gephyromantis thelenae NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 852 22.1 1/3
Scaphiophryne marmorata NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 11866 21.8 1/4
Gephyromantis eiselti NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 1994 17.1 1/2
Mantidactylus albofrenatus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 1849 16.1 1/1
Boophis pyrrhus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 30001 14.1 1/5
Mantidactylus argenteus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 28418 14.0 1/5
Stumpffia grandis NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 23211 13.8 1/5
Gephyromantis sculpturatus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 14669 13.5 1/3
Spinomantis phantasticus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 31122 13.1 1/5
Gephyromantis moseri NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 29658 12.9 1/6
Paradoxophyla palmata NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 31237 12.3 1/4
Heterixalus madagascariensis NA HYPEROLIIDAE ANURA LC stable 30758 11.2 1/4
Spinomantis fimbriatus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 35072 10.9 1/6
Platypelis barbouri NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 37250 10.9 1/5
Boophis luteus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 37505 10.8 1/6
Gephyromantis asper NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 41416 10.4 1/4
Anodonthyla pollicaris NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 745 10.3 1/3
Plethodontohyla bipunctata NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 46403 9.4 1/4
Rhombophryne coronata NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 19542 9.3 2/5
Gephyromantis boulengeri NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 27310 9.0 1/2
Plethodontohyla mihanika NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 34742 9.0 1/5
Boophis guibei NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 20033 8.8 1/5
Heterixalus punctatus NA HYPEROLIIDAE ANURA LC stable 33574 8.5 1/4
Boophis burgeri NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 147 8.2 1/1
Gephyromantis cornutus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 9606 8.1 1/3
Plethodontohyla ocellata NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 58055 7.6 1/4
Mantidactylus guttulatus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 54491 7.5 1/5
Boophis bottae NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 17020 7.3 1/4
Boophis lichenoides NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 57627 7.2 1/6
Gephyromantis malagasius NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 62053 7.2 1/4
Gephyromantis redimitus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 51885 7.2 1/5
Guibemantis flavobrunneus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 62479 7.0 1/5
Boophis marojezensis NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 41873 6.9 2/6
Guibemantis pulcher NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 62885 6.9 1/6
Guibemantis tornieri NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 61573 6.9 1/4
Boophis viridis NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 64250 6.8 1/4
Boophis reticulatus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 62347 6.7 1/5
Boophis tasymena NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 60476 6.7 1/5
Blommersia grandisonae NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 64755 6.7 1/6
Platypelis tuberifera NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 62222 6.7 1/5
Plethodontohyla inguinalis NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 71194 6.2 1/6
Stumpffia tridactyla NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA DD unknown 1097 6.2 3/3
Mantidactylus grandidieri NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 76192 5.7 2/4
Mantidactylus opiparis NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 74905 5.6 1/5
Anodonthyla boulengerii NA MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 80638 5.5 1/5
Boophis rufioculis NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 15852 5.4 2/2
Mantidactylus zipperi NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 43090 5.4 1/3
Boophis rhodoscelis NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 19775 5.3 2/5
Boophis albilabris NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 82741 5.2 2/6
Mantidactylus betsileanus NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC stable 87389 5.1 2/5
Blommersia blommersae NA MANTELLIDAE ANURA LC unknown 17718 5.1 2/4

Bird species for which Zahamena Ankeniheny Not Reported is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Atelornis crossleyi Rufous-headed Ground-roller BRACHYPTERACIIDAE CORACIIFORMES NT decreasing 22418 12.9 1/11
Crossleyia xanthophrys Madagascar Yellowbrow SYLVIIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 22717 12.7 1/11
Sarothrura watersi Slender-billed Flufftail RALLIDAE GRUIFORMES EN decreasing 12305 12.2 1/7
Mesitornis unicolor Brown Mesite MESITORNITHIDAE GRUIFORMES VU decreasing 37168 10.2 1/7
Brachypteracias leptosomus Short-legged Ground-roller BRACHYPTERACIIDAE CORACIIFORMES VU decreasing 39070 9.7 1/7
Canirallus kioloides Madagascar Wood Rail RALLIDAE GRUIFORMES LC decreasing 40111 9.4 1/7
Dromaeocercus brunneus Brown Emu-tail SYLVIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 52380 7.6 2/8
Bernieria tenebrosa Dusky Tetraka SYLVIIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 15951 7.5 4/7
Xenopirostris polleni Pollen's Vanga VANGIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT unknown 61345 7.0 1/4
Tyto soumagnei Madagascar Red Owl TYTONIDAE STRIGIFORMES VU decreasing 60631 6.9 2/6
Oriolia bernieri Bernier's Vanga VANGIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 18137 5.8 4/8
Neodrepanis hypoxantha Yellow-bellied Asity PHILEPITTIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 5543 5.7 3/12

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Zahamena Ankeniheny Not Reported is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Eliurus petteri Petter's Tuft-tailed Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA VU unknown 6850 23.8 1/5
Avahi peyrierasi Peyrieras' Woolly Lemur INDRIIDAE PRIMATES DD unknown 20408 20.5 1/6
Lepilemur mustelinus Weasel Sportive Lemur LEPILEMURIDAE PRIMATES DD unknown 25760 17.2 1/4
Microcebus lehilahytsara Goodman's Mouse Lemur CHEIROGALEIDAE PRIMATES DD unknown 252 14.8 2/3
Propithecus diadema Diademed Sifaka INDRIIDAE PRIMATES EN decreasing 31445 14.1 1/5
Indri indri Indri INDRIIDAE PRIMATES EN decreasing 29305 13.4 1/8
Brachyuromys betsileoensis Betsileo Short-tailed Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 42770 10.2 1/4
Allocebus trichotis Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur CHEIROGALEIDAE PRIMATES DD unknown 42668 10.0 1/5
Eulemur fulvus Common Brown Lemur LEMURIDAE PRIMATES NT decreasing 47258 9.2 1/6
Eulemur rubriventer Red-bellied Lemur LEMURIDAE PRIMATES VU decreasing 49838 8.3 1/5
Hapalemur griseus Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur LEMURIDAE PRIMATES VU decreasing 43361 8.3 2/8
Avahi laniger Gmelin's Woolly Lemur INDRIIDAE PRIMATES LC decreasing 55373 7.4 1/5
Brachyuromys ramirohitra Gregarious Short-tailed Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 58424 7.4 1/4
Eliurus grandidieri Grandidier's Tuft-tailed Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 58676 7.4 1/4
Microgale pusilla Lesser Shrew Tenrec TENRECIDAE AFROSORICIDA LC stable 60628 6.9 2/5
Brachytarsomys albicauda White-tailed Tree Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 64733 6.8 1/4
Galidictis fasciata Broad-striped Mongoose EUPLERIDAE CARNIVORA NT decreasing 67576 6.5 3/6
Microgale thomasi Thomas' Shrew Tenrec TENRECIDAE AFROSORICIDA LC decreasing 22816 6.5 4/8
Eliurus majori Major's Tufted-tailed Rat NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 73273 5.9 2/5
Cheirogaleus crossleyi Furry-eared Dwarf Lemur CHEIROGALEIDAE PRIMATES DD unknown 35 5.7 3/3
Varecia variegata Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur LEMURIDAE PRIMATES CR decreasing 8124 5.6 4/10
Limnogale mergulus Aquatic Tenrec TENRECIDAE AFROSORICIDA VU unknown 56576 5.5 2/3
Microgale gracilis Gracile Shrew Tenrec TENRECIDAE AFROSORICIDA LC decreasing 77821 5.4 2/5
Microgale gymnorhyncha Naked Nosed Shrew Tenrec TENRECIDAE AFROSORICIDA LC decreasing 77218 5.4 2/5
Gymnuromys roberti NA NESOMYIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 77432 5.3 2/5
Vertex foot

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