Global irreplaceability

Overall 0.32 1010.0
Threatened species 0.16 701.0
Amphibians 0 148703.5
Threatened amphibians 0 94182.5
Birds 0.16 475.0
Threatened birds 0 135483.5
Mammals 0.16 516.0
Threatened mammals 0.16 253.0


Bird species for which Montes y cumbre de Tenerife Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Columba bollii Dark-tailed Laurel Pigeon COLUMBIDAE COLUMBIFORMES LC increasing 3398 20.0 1/21
Anthus berthelotii Berthelot's Pipit MOTACILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 8284 8.2 1/23
Serinus canaria Island Canary FRINGILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 10523 6.5 1/17
Columba junoniae White-tailed Laurel Pigeon COLUMBIDAE COLUMBIFORMES NT increasing 1236 5.3 3/24

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Montes y cumbre de Tenerife Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Plecotus teneriffae Tenerife Long-eared Bat VESPERTILIONIDAE CHIROPTERA EN decreasing 3405 20.0 1/21
Pipistrellus maderensis Madeira Pipistrelle VESPERTILIONIDAE CHIROPTERA EN decreasing 4798 14.2 1/19
Vertex foot

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