Monkhouse Timber Reserve

Monkhouse, Australia

Global irreplaceability

Overall 2.85 215.0
Threatened species 0.84 419.0
Amphibians 2.28 145.0
Threatened amphibians 0.72 250.0
Birds 0.08 761.0
Threatened birds 0 4938.0
Mammals 0.48 325.0
Threatened mammals 0.11 290.0


Amphibian species for which Monkhouse Timber Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Cophixalus exiguus Scanty Frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA NT stable 71 88.5 2/3
Cophixalus concinnus Beautiful Nursery-frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA CR stable 14 35.6 3/3
Cophixalus bombiens Buzzing Frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA NT stable 490 33.8 3/4
Cophixalus saxatilis Black Mountain Boulder Frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA VU stable 247 26.7 1/3
Mixophyes schevilli Northern Barred Frog MYOBATRACHIDAE ANURA LC stable 5444 19.4 2/11
Austrochaperina fryi Fry's Frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 6374 14.7 2/13
Litoria lorica Armoured Mistfrog HYLIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 1180 13.5 3/7
Taudactylus acutirostris Sharp Snouted Day Frog MYOBATRACHIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 14582 7.6 3/17
Litoria rheocola Common Mist Frog HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 15161 7.4 3/16
Austrochaperina pluvialis Rain Frog MICROHYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 13685 6.1 4/16
Mixophyes coggeri NA MYOBATRACHIDAE ANURA LC stable 18709 6.0 4/13
Litoria dayi Australian Lace-lid HYLIDAE ANURA EN decreasing 18805 5.9 4/14
Litoria nannotis Torrent Tree Frog HYLIDAE ANURA EN stable 18951 5.8 4/14
Litoria xanthomera Orange-thighed Frog HYLIDAE ANURA LC stable 19509 5.7 4/14

Mammal species for which Monkhouse Timber Reserve is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Dendrolagus bennettianus Bennett's Tree Kangaroo MACROPODIDAE DIPROTODONTIA NT stable 3562 31.3 2/5
Uromys hadrourus Pygmy White-tailed Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA VU stable 635 20.6 4/7
Pseudochirulus cinereus Daintree River Ringtail Possum PSEUDOCHEIRIDAE DIPROTODONTIA LC stable 896 10.5 5/7
Hypsiprymnodon moschatus Musky Rat Kangaroo HYPSIPRYMNODONTIDAE DIPROTODONTIA LC stable 10503 5.1 6/16
Vertex foot

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