Fitzgerald River National Park

Fitzgerald River, Australia

Global irreplaceability

Overall 1.91 345.0
Threatened species 1.66 200.0
Amphibians 0.06 1044.0
Threatened amphibians 0 94182.5
Birds 0.93 141.0
Threatened birds 0.88 80.0
Mammals 0.92 231.0
Threatened mammals 0.78 149.5


Amphibian species for which Fitzgerald River National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Crinia subinsignifera Small Western Froglet MYOBATRACHIDAE ANURA LC stable 24273 5.8 2/6

Bird species for which Fitzgerald River National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Dasyornis longirostris Western Bristlebird DASYORNITHIDAE PASSERIFORMES EN decreasing 543 57.4 1/7

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Fitzgerald River National Park is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Parantechinus apicalis Dibbler DASYURIDAE DASYUROMORPHIA EN decreasing 2836 51.4 1/2
Macropus eugenii Tammar Wallaby MACROPODIDAE DIPROTODONTIA LC unknown 16428 17.4 2/7
Phascogale calura Red-tailed Phascogale DASYURIDAE DASYUROMORPHIA NT decreasing 46860 6.0 2/3
Vertex foot

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