Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site

Aires protégées des trois fleuves parallèles au Yunnan, People's Republic of China

Global irreplaceability

Overall 9.48 42.0
Threatened species 2.39 121.0
Amphibians 4.8 59.0
Threatened amphibians 1.63 110.0
Birds 1.06 111.0
Threatened birds 0.46 124.0
Mammals 3.61 34.0
Threatened mammals 0.29 216.0


Amphibian species for which Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Scutiger gongshanensis NA MEGOPHRYIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 5363 80.5 1/2
Amolops bellulus NA RANIDAE ANURA DD unknown 389 55.6 1/4
Rana shuchinae NA RANIDAE ANURA LC stable 32424 45.0 1/4
Amolops jinjiangensis NA RANIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 13914 44.6 1/4
Nanorana ventripunctata NA DICROGLOSSIDAE ANURA LC stable 29504 35.1 1/2
Amolops viridimaculatus NA RANIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 10982 32.4 1/2
Nanorana arnoldi NA DICROGLOSSIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 17509 31.7 1/5
Rhacophorus gongshanensis NA RHACOPHORIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 18773 28.1 1/2
Oreolalax xiangchengensis NA MEGOPHRYIDAE ANURA LC stable 27628 26.7 1/3
Bufo tuberculatus NA BUFONIDAE ANURA NT decreasing 19309 22.3 1/3
Xenophrys glandulosa NA MEGOPHRYIDAE ANURA LC decreasing 81360 8.8 1/3
Scutiger glandulatus NA MEGOPHRYIDAE ANURA LC unknown 121595 5.1 1/4

Bird species for which Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Garrulax bieti White-speckled Laughingthrush TIMALIIDAE PASSERIFORMES VU decreasing 23403 37.4 1/3
Brachypteryx stellata Gould's Shortwing TURDIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 173452 10.7 1/7
Paradoxornis unicolor Brown Parrotbill TIMALIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 150407 8.5 1/10
Aegithalos iouschistos Black-browed Tit AEGITHALIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 225843 8.4 1/7
Garrulax chrysopterus Assam Laughingthrush TIMALIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC unknown 153436 7.2 1/8
Paradoxornis fulvifrons Fulvous Parrotbill TIMALIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC decreasing 287748 6.4 1/8
Pyrrhoplectes epauletta Gold-naped Finch FRINGILLIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 284532 5.7 1/5
Chrysolophus amherstiae Lady Amherst's Pheasant PHASIANIDAE GALLIFORMES LC decreasing 384259 5.5 1/1
Tragopan blythii Blyth's Tragopan PHASIANIDAE GALLIFORMES VU decreasing 42315 5.4 1/4
Tarsiger hyperythrus Rufous-breasted Bush-robin MUSCICAPIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 267126 5.2 1/3

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Uropsilus investigator Inquisitive Shrew Mole TALPIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA DD unknown 3192 65.1 1/2
Ochotona gaoligongensis Gaoligong Pika OCHOTONIDAE LAGOMORPHA DD decreasing 6121 63.0 1/2
Eothenomys wardi Ward's Red-backed Vole CRICETIDAE RODENTIA NT unknown 8337 38.9 1/2
Ochotona nigritia Black Pika OCHOTONIDAE LAGOMORPHA DD unknown 2239 27.0 1/2
Neodon forresti Forrest's Mountain Vole CRICETIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 8417 26.8 3/5
Rhinopithecus bieti Black Snub-nosed Monkey CERCOPITHECIDAE PRIMATES EN decreasing 29671 22.0 1/3
Trachypithecus shortridgei Shortridge's Langur CERCOPITHECIDAE PRIMATES EN decreasing 10597 19.0 1/4
Eothenomys cachinus Kachin Red-backed Vole CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 24963 14.6 1/3
Eothenomys custos Southwest China Red-backed Vole CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 115717 12.5 1/3
Niviventer excelsior Sichuan Niviventer MURIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 150797 9.6 1/6
Callosciurus quinquestriatus Anderson's Squirrel SCIURIDAE RODENTIA NT decreasing 40860 9.4 1/3
Dacnomys millardi Millard's Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 41357 8.8 1/6
Eothenomys proditor Yulongxuen Red-backed Vole CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 38453 8.0 1/1
Sorex excelsus Highland Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC unknown 200740 7.7 1/6
Naemorhedus baileyi Red Goral BOVIDAE CETARTIODACTYLA VU decreasing 238538 6.9 1/7
Episoriculus caudatus Hodgson's Brown-toothed Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC unknown 315678 6.1 1/6
Pseudois schaeferi Dwarf Bharal BOVIDAE CETARTIODACTYLA EN decreasing 64059 5.5 1/5
Sorex cylindricauda Stripe-backed Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC unknown 328529 5.3 1/5
Niviventer brahma Brahma White-bellied Rat MURIDAE RODENTIA LC stable 32332 5.1 5/7
Parascaptor leucura White-tailed Mole TALPIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC unknown 373621 5.1 1/5
Episoriculus macrurus Arboreal Brown-toothed Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC unknown 375479 5.0 1/3
Vertex foot

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