Sangay National Park World Heritage Site

Parc national Sangay, Ecuador

Global irreplaceability

Overall 1.89 354.0
Threatened species 0.47 517.0
Amphibians 0.98 408.0
Threatened amphibians 0.37 307.0
Birds 0.58 203.0
Threatened birds 0.07 248.0
Mammals 0.33 373.0
Threatened mammals 0.02 606.0


Amphibian species for which Sangay National Park World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Pristimantis trachyblepharis NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA DD unknown 4840 35.5 2/3
Caecilia abitaguae NA CAECILIIDAE GYMNOPHIONA DD unknown 1636 22.7 2/2
Nymphargus cochranae NA CENTROLENIDAE ANURA VU unknown 4010 20.3 2/4
Atelopus petersi NA BUFONIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 7283 17.5 3/5
Centrolene mariaelenae NA CENTROLENIDAE ANURA VU unknown 14039 13.4 2/5
Pristimantis orcesi NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA LC stable 1375 12.1 2/3
Pristimantis nigrogriseus NA STRABOMANTIDAE ANURA VU decreasing 9603 11.7 2/5
Bolitoglossa palmata NA PLETHODONTIDAE CAUDATA VU stable 5726 9.6 5/6
Atelopus planispina NA BUFONIDAE ANURA CR decreasing 3241 9.3 3/5
Hyloscirtus lindae NA HYLIDAE ANURA VU stable 5346 9.2 3/9

Bird species for which Sangay National Park World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Xenerpestes singularis Equatorial Greytail FURNARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 19954 11.7 2/6
Drymotoxeres pucherani Greater Scythebill DENDROCOLAPTIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 23728 9.8 2/9
Phlogophilus hemileucurus Ecuadorian Piedtail TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES VU decreasing 25433 7.8 2/10
Opisthoprora euryptera Mountain Avocetbill TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES LC stable 19285 7.7 2/9
Siptornis striaticollis Spectacled Prickletail FURNARIIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 20657 7.4 2/8
Campylopterus villaviscensio Napo Sabrewing TROCHILIDAE APODIFORMES NT decreasing 22860 5.8 3/6
Pipreola lubomirskii Black-chested Fruiteater COTINGIDAE PASSERIFORMES LC stable 28329 5.8 2/9
Phylloscartes gualaquizae Ecuadorian Tyrannulet TYRANNIDAE PASSERIFORMES NT decreasing 13145 5.7 3/5
Galbula pastazae Coppery-chested Jacamar GALBULIDAE PICIFORMES VU decreasing 21290 5.6 2/5

Detailed factsheets for all bird species are available from BirdLife International

Mammal species for which Sangay National Park World Heritage Site is of global importance

Scientific Name Common Name Family Order IUCN Red List Direction of Population Trend Distribution Size (km²) Percentage Overlap Rank/ Number
Hylaeamys tatei NA CRICETIDAE RODENTIA DD unknown 2652 20.4 1/3
Nephelomys auriventer Ecuadorean Rice Rat CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 14416 17.4 2/3
Thomasomys paramorum Paramo Oldfield Mouse CRICETIDAE RODENTIA LC unknown 29904 8.3 2/5
Cryptotis equatoris Ecuadorean Small-eared Shrew SORICIDAE EULIPOTYPHLA LC stable 33341 7.1 3/9
Vertex foot

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